Why Not Make an Auto Responder Out of Your GMail Account?
Auto responders have been used successfully for a few years now.
So what is an auto-responder and what is its purpose? Put quite simply an auto-responder is a way to automatically respond to an email sent to you with a pre written response. This is successfully used especially in the Internet marketing. You have probably received some your self. For example when you signed up to a forum or bought a product on line chances are an automated message was sent to you. This saves a person sitting up till all hours of the day and night waiting for emails and then sending a reply to each and every one. It also allows the user to send a response in seconds instead of hours or days. Hence making a business more efficient.
So what does this have to do with GMail? You may ask. well it just so happens you have this same capacity to do this with some email accounts? GMail is the one that I use and it is the one that is perhaps the easiest to access email without phone number.
You first of all find it on the settings bar that is located between your email name and your help tab. You also have the ability to create you signature after you click on settings. A little about that latter. First of all log into your GMail account, and then look at the top right hand side of your email account and you will see your email account name ie. a n account name @GMail.com to the right of that you will find the settings tab. Click on the tab and it will take you to the settings menu, scroll down and you will find a very handy and powerful tool called a vacation responder. This is the autoresponder that you will use to set your auto response. click on the button that says Vacation Responder on. it will then light up. you then click on the first day that you want an auto response to start to perform. but if you have an on going promotion then I would suggest that you leave the end date clear. this way it has an indefinite period in which a message can be sent. DO NOT CLICK “ONLY SEND A RESPONSE TO PEOPLE IN MY CONTACTS” Other wise you will not be able to get new customers.
Now lets speak about signatures, This is a cool place to put your small thank you and a website that you are working on. For example it might say “thank you” or “Kind Regards visit
www.whatever your website name is
” and maybe even a disclaimer like “results may vary according to individuals, skill level and ability”. Then remember to put your name. this way people know who is sending the message.
I do need to make you aware that this method is only for people who are brand new to internet marketing. because this method is very limited in what it can do. for example if a person emails you more then once it will not send a second followup message. Once you start to get a few people on a list then you might be better off buying an autoresponder visit
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